Chapter 6

Commander Keen couldn't think of what to do, seeing his mother with two heads disoriented him. She was clearly a good copy, despite the two heads. Her personality was identical, she seemed to want to make him go to school.
'That's it,' Keen thought. 'She wants me out of the house... no doubt so she can break into my lab! I must stay at home to supervise her.'
"Alright Mum, but I feel really tired today, I think I've caught that cold that's going around school."
"Uh-huh," replied the two-headed mother.
"Yuh-huh. In fact, I can barely keep my eyes open. Since when were these... chairs so... comfy..." and with that Keen pretended to doze off.
He waited a minute before opening his eyes slightly. His mother had gone without a sound. Clearly the personality wasn't a perfect copy - he'd been expecting a whack over the head.

What should Keen do?

  1. Go back to bed - all that pretend sleeping was hard work!
  2. Go to the lab - time for tests and research!
  3. Where the hell is my Mum? Keen should try to find his mother.
  4. Call Dad.

This chapter was written by Keening_Product on 2014-03-19 19:56:19

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